Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Leaving the country.

So It felt pretty weird to be able to go so quickly form one life, home, country, culture etc. to the next in just 8 hours, I think especially as I had been so focused and wrapped up in life back home that I had barely thought about the fact that I was soon leaving the country without a return date!

One minute I was hanging out with the people I love and care about, so entrenched in the culture I'v been brought up in and share to varying degree's with the people around me and now I am in a country where I understand so little of the culture, the assumptions I feel I can make at home when I know that I can at least assume a shared country and gone, I don't know how to read peoples behaviour, facial expressions etc. I am a bit in the dark about what's appropriate, or how to be the person I want to be, how to relate to people in a polite respectful way. I think I will have a lot of learning to do. and in the meantime I will do my best with what I do know.

I also feel much more relaxed travelling now then I have in the past, I am not overthinking things so much, just trying to be open and willing to learn and to pick up on things when I can.

We (my sister Keda and I) stayed one night in Singapore with our brother Tim and his wife Jen. It was lovely to be back in Singapore, I love the food! and little India and getting to hang out with Tim and Jen who we don't see much of.

I also love the way that when I land in a new country I notice how it smells different, I loved getting off the plane and smelling Singapore! and the smell of Tim and Jen's place, I love the way smells can evoke such feelings and memories.

It was a perfect stop-over in Singapore, Thanks so much Tim and Jen!!

The next day we flew to Phnom Penh, and headed into the city. I am happy to be here. Have to write more on the next few days later...

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